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Maywood Proviso Rotary Club Announces the opening of its 2024 Community Grants Cycle
Maywood, Illinois (May 1, 2024) - The Rotary Club of Maywood Proviso Community Grants application cycle opened May 1, 2024 for local nonprofits and education organizations.
Local organizations can submit applications through May 12th to be reviewed by the club’s grant committee. Award winners are scheduled to be announced by the end of May. Interested organizations can download the application, submission instructions, and grant guidelines at https://forms.gle/HdBEXgndCmtsCqZQ6
“Our club has awarded grants to local groups; including Maywood Fine Arts, Best of Proviso, Housing Forward, The Answer, Inc., School Health Coalition, Real Foods Collective, Way Back Inn, DLD For Youth, Neighbors of Maywood Community Org (NOMCO), Maywood Youth Mentoring, Proviso Partners For Health, and the St. Eulalia Quinn Center", said Dr. Susan Flannagan, Club Treasurer.
The Rotary Club of Maywood-Proviso has been supporting area and global charities for over 100 years. Grants typically run from $250.00 - $2,000.00 per organization, but allocation decisions are made by our entire club and are not necessarily predictable."
If you have questions about the grant program or decision-making process, you may contact this year's grant committee chairperson, Andre Pate at 773-491-5251.
About Rotary: Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.4 million members of more than 46,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Rotary members throughout the world develop and implement sustainable, community-driven projects that fight disease, promote peace, provide clean water, support education, save mothers and children, grow local economies and protect the environment. More than US $5.5 billion has been awarded through The Rotary Foundation—Rotary’s charitable arm that helps clubs work together to perform meaningful, impactful service—to support these and other initiatives over the last 100 years. For more information, visit Rotary.org.
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2022 - 2023 Rotary International Citation for Membership Development
Congratulations! Your club has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2022-23. This past year, your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.
Please find your Rotary Citation certificate. I encourage you to display it proudly to celebrate your club’s achievement.
Once again, congratulations on a successful year as club president!
Jennifer Jones
2022-23 RI President

Valentine's for Vets
Join the Rotary Club of Maywood Proviso as we send love to our Veterans!
Each Rotarian is asked to provide at least 5 valentines that you can either create or buy. Include a
special message to honor the veteran and sign with your name and the Rotary Club of Maywood Proviso.
Please return these cards on February 2nd at Meal of the Day Cafe, 1701 S 1st Ave. 4th Floor Maywood. Our regular meeting time is 12:15pm.
These valentines will be given to both Hines and Jesse Brown Hospital.
Biden Declares January Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Human Trafficking Awareness
Saturday, January 28, 2023
By Karen A Yarbrough
A presentation on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 @ 12 noon will examine, contrast and understand the age-old problem of human trafficking.
We will discuss where this crime against humanity may have started and where we are today in addressing it.
Finally, we will hear from Dr. Marian Hatcher, who is a national expert on combating the demand, facilitates training on trafficking and prostitution by various law enforcement groups, including the F.B.I. and U.S. Department of Homeland Security. She has traveled the country and internationally, speaking at various events and conferences, shedding light on the prevalent issue of trafficking and telling her own story as a survivor of sex trafficking and domestic violence.
Please join us:
What: Human Trafficking Awareness
When: Tuesday, January 31st
Time: 12 Noon
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 970 9425 7321
Passcode: 981187
New Board Takes the Reins
The Maywood-Proviso Rotary Club Installs New Officers.
The Rotary Club Maywood-Proviso installed new officers for the 2022-2023 term. Elected are President, Karen Yarbrough; Secretary, Gabe Fakhouri; Treasurer, Sue Flanagan; Sergeant-At-Arms, Viola Mims; President-Elect, Val Talley and board members, Erica Sanchez, Tikisha Buford and Daisy Harmon Allen. .jpg)
The event was held at Ella's in Maywood and attendance included District Governor Ade Onayemi and Osei David Andrew Hutchison. President Yarbrough challenged the club to focus their attention on the " changing times" for Rotary and other service clubs. " Rotary must continue to evolve and meet the newer membership by being cognizant of the many time constraints and needs of Rotarians' business and family lives. Yet, Rotarians have a very strong desire to provide service to others and meet the goals of the club." She went on to state that, "this year will be the year of the child, to provide resources, leadership and investment into the lives of future generations."

Rotary Club of Maywood Proviso Research Project Advances
The Rotary Club of Maywood Proviso has embarked upon an exciting journey, researching Maywood-Proviso’s almost 100-year history of Rotary through articles, clippings, pictures, and other artifacts at Maywood’s public library.

Each first Saturday of the month, through 2023, you will find Rotarians and community residents at work reviewing the archives, searching through boxes, film, and other artifacts. To date, we have located the very first picture of those who established our club, the first black woman President of the Rotary Club of Maywood Proviso and minutes from many meetings. (Rotary did not admit women until 1989. The Council on Legislation voted to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide. It remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary)
“We are excited to engage in this very worthwhile project, commented President Karen Yarbrough. While we are expressly seeking our history, the history of what was occurring throughout Proviso, Chicago and the United States is peppered throughout the clippings.” We invite anyone who enjoys research projects and the desire to learn about the Proviso area to join us in our searches. Additionally, we will, during 2024 be planning a wonderful gala to celebrate our 100 years. A time capsule will also be filled with items to be unveiled one hundred years from 2024.”